Big hair? Me too. I hate it! I want an in-expensive shampoo+conditioner that actually works.
I have tried all the fancy stuff and took showers everyday with it. it never worked even after months. The Avon ADVANCE TECHNIQUES Intense Repair Hydrating Shampoo, Conditioner and Serum are all excellent condition and under $5 each. It works and it gives me the majority of what I want and need for my hair. My hair needs something to tame it. But hair relaxer is expensive. I need nice small, flat ( yet a little structure and foundation ) to my hair. Advanced Techniques is great and gives me a little more control over my style. Now this way I don't have to wear my hair up everyday! which is actually not good for your hair. Don’t put your hair in a ponytail overnight. Soooo tempting, I know. But hair bands (even the “ouchless” ones) are NOT your hair’s friend. They cause breakage and stress at the band AND at your scalp. And breakage and stress = frizz and flyaways. The occasional ponytail during the day is fine, although if you regularly wear your hair up, you should consider switching to a clip instead. It's hard for me too. Straightening your hair constantly is just as bad. I hate my hair when it's down unless I straighten it, but i realized if I do that I can lose my natural curls and cause a ton of damage to my hair!