Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Happy Holidays everyone! I hope yours was great! Today's Topic:

LIPS! Lips are great, they help slurp,smooch,and smack your food. But through all of that they get ugly. That's why keeping them colored,glossed,or medicated can be really hard. When your lips are chapped You need something you won't need to re-apply every 30 minutes. Blistex medicated Lip Balm is one of the best. It helps moisturize,sooth, and prevent form sores.It's long lasting even through all the slurping,smooching and lip smacking, ( ew! ) But then there is lip stick. I recently Tried Maybelline's 14 hour lipstick. ( Not to be critical) It stayed for about 6 hours with food,drink,and smoochin' ( a soccer ball-haha ). Lip gloss however just does NOT like to stay.. I had to re-apply after about 30min-1hr. GOOD LUCK! HAPPY CHEWIN'!